Bash Functions, pt 1.

So I have been collecting a bunch of code snippets and am trying to figure out the best way to make them available to me, and to others.  I might put these up on GitHub, but today will not be that day.

Today I am going to show you two functions – rootcheck and CheckBinary.

More below the jump.

Continue reading “Bash Functions, pt 1.”

Bash Functions, pt 1.

Wiki’s and Mac OS X Yosemite; or how I learned to sacrifice goats.

So a while back I was asked to migrate a wiki from a 10.8 server to a new server running 10.10 server.  So I said sure, let’s see how bad it can be.  Sadly I did not sacrifice a goat, but I do wonder if it would have made things a tad easier.

To make this even more enjoyable, we had two additional monkeys thrown in:

  1. the new server was already up and running and configured as a VPN server with some custom changes in pf.
  2. The 10.8 “Server” was an iMac running 10.8 Server that happened to be someones every day workstation.

So with these two things in mind, we had to get the wiki’s from the iMac to the new already configured Mac Mini.


Continue reading “Wiki’s and Mac OS X Yosemite; or how I learned to sacrifice goats.”

Wiki’s and Mac OS X Yosemite; or how I learned to sacrifice goats.